ARP Category I – Advocate

Asset Reliability Practitioner Training & Certification

Plant-Wide Awareness (Track A)

The Asset Reliability Practitioner [ARP] Category I “PLANT-WIDE AWARENESS” course is intended for everyone working within an organization who in any way influence the management, design, engineering, procurement, maintenance, or operation of an organization that involves critical rotating machinery and electrical equipment.

Whether your organization manufactures products or a commodity; provides an essential service; relies on machinery/electrical equipment, or is involved with protecting their country, this course will provide a memorable explanation of how and why to improve reliability and performance.

CAT-I Course Overview

Whether your organization manufactures products (appliances, automobiles, etc.) or a commodity (mining, oil & gas, etc.); provides an essential service (e.g. water, sewage, power); relies on machinery/electrical equipment (facilities, shipping), or is involved with protecting their country, this course will provide a memorable explanation of how to improve reliability and performance.

No reliability improvement initiative can be successful unless everyone is on the same page. Everyone needs to pull in the same direction. Everyone needs to share the same understanding of the issues, benefits, and remedies. And everyone must be inspired to contribute, support activities intended to improve reliability and performance, and look for opportunities to make improvements. This is the way to create the “culture of reliability”.

The course achieves this goal by utilizing animations and animated simulations that make it understandable, memorable, and interesting. Delivered by passionate industry experts, this course, with the optional exam/certification, the course will make a difference to the future of your organization.

About the Asset Reliability Practitioner Training & Certification Program

Practitioners and leaders involved with the important role of improving the reliability and performance of an industrial facility should be recognized for their knowledge, experience, and contribution. The new Mobius Institute Asset Reliability Practitioner (ARP) certification scheme will recognize the knowledge and basic experience of people at three levels; the Advocate who contributes to the initiative, the Reliability Engineer, and the Leader of the program. In addition, the certification scheme will separately recognize reliability engineers and leaders who have proven competence.

CAT-I Course Description

Course Options:

Course length: Two days

Format: Public (live) course

Optional: Certification examination, 2 hours, 70% passing grade

Certification Prerequisite: Prior experience is not required for attending the training course, but 6 months of general industrial experience is required for certification.

What our reliability students have said:

“The topic speaks for itself. The complete session literally covers almost every aspect of Reliability right from the beginning till the end of successfully launching Reliability Program.


“exceptionally great job for the one and half days in creating a charged atmosphere amongst the participants.

Topics covered:

  • Benefits
  • Assessing your benefits
  • Culture change
  • Selling senior management
  • Strategy [plan/mission/vision/team/support]
  • Understanding failure
  • Defect elimination [dfr/procurement/acceptance testing/operators/more]








  • Asset strategy [rtf/cbm/ibm, mal, acr, bom/moc, fmea/rcm/pmo, rca]
  • Work management
  • Spares management
  • Precision and proactive work [lubrication/alignment/balancing/fastening]





ARP CAT I A - A4.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.0 MB
Cut Sheet
ARP CAT I A Topics - A4.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 94.2 KB