ARP Category I – Advocate

Track A

The Asset Reliability Practitioner [ARP] Category I “PLANT-WIDE AWARENESS” course is intended for everyone working within an organization who in any way influence the management, design, engineering, procurement, maintenance, or operation of an organization that involves critical rotating machinery and electrical equipment.

Whether your organization manufactures products or a commodity; provides an essential service; relies on machinery/electrical equipment, or is involved with protecting their country, this course will provide a memorable explanation of how and why to improve reliability and performance.

Track B

The Asset Reliability Practitioner [ARP] Category I “MANAGER-ENGINEER AWARENESS” course is intended for senior management, maintenance and operations/production management, engineers, junior reliability engineers, and condition monitoring professionals who need to understand the “big picture” of the reliability and performance improvement process.

Whether your organization manufactures products or a commodity; provides an essential service; relies on machinery/electrical equipment, or is involved with protecting their country, this course will provide a memorable explanation of how and why to improve reliability and performance.